What can a short-term study abroad travel course experience offer US based graphic design and illustration students?
Short-term study abroad courses offered by colleges and universities may be just as effective in promoting global awareness as the traditional semester abroad experiences. These courses are generally more affordable and appeal to students who might not be able or willing to commit to a semester or a year abroad. Short-term study abroad courses allow students in highly structured professional programs like Graphic Design and Illustration to have an immersive study abroad experience without falling behind or adding extra time to complete required coursework back at their home schools.
For the past nine years, Commu-nication Design faculty members at Massachusetts College of Art and Design* have been engaged in developing and organising short-term travel abroad courses to Western Europe, China, and New Zealand for graphic design and illustration students. One of the benefits of faculty-led programs is that faculty members can develop and define the thematic thread of the travel course plus its deliverables, while ensuring that the travel course curriculum and its objectives are closely aligned and integrated within the students’ primary coursework. ...
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Emily Lawes printing at St Brides Printing Library, London.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt).