An eclectic mix of subjects and personalities proves again, in this issue, the kaleidoscopic nature of the world of typographic design.
As Ian Teh searches for his roots, bumping into fascinating and striking Kanji along the way, Debi Ani discovers a therapeutic value in the act of typographic layout.
The justification for David Driver’s enthusiasm for the ‘Eagle’ comic becomes clear as soon as the vibrant layouts are viewed, prompting both admiration for the skills of the artists involved, and an invidious comparison with some of today’s teen-fodder. Meanwhile an Englishman in New York, Keith Godard, brings a unique wit and skill to exhibit design Rosemary Sassoon’s types are designed to make a contribution to the development of children’s reading and writing skills, items high on the political agenda; while the ebullient design of South Africa’s I-Jusi magazine bursts out of the ultimate political situation.
A somewhat heady mix, certain to stimulate the typographic appetite. For those not satiated, there is still more to find on the Baseline website.